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Home | Services | Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) | NLP Mastery Academy
The Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Mastery Academy is designed to teach and reinforce your NLP skills so that you can implement them easily and effortlessly in everyday situations.
It is a 1-year small group Online Mastery Program that meets every fortnight. Over the course of the year we explore each of the NLP Practitioner topics in-depth from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. Each session focuses on reviewing and practicing a single NLP technique, doing exercises, and discussing real-world scenarios as well as a free-flowing Q&A session in which you can ask questions about challenges you encountered during the week and share your successes and failures as well.
The small group format is perfect for this course as you develop trust and rapport with other members, have the opportunity to learn from their experiences, and also receive personalised feedback.
These groups follow the same format as the NLP Mastery Academy Year 1 and are open only to graduates of the preceding year of the NLP Mastery Academy to ensure that the material can be presented with appropriate depth.
Each succeeding year assumes mastery of the material covered in the preceding class and works on taking your skills of communication, self-mastery, and personal success to ever-greater depths. From Year 2 onwards, we work on using language to improve communications skills and posing questions that help others expand their awareness and become more resourceful and adept.
Too many students of NLP are thrilled when they observe the transformational power that NLP skills bring to their productivity, communication, and overall happiness, but they fail to use the techniques to their fullest potential because they learn these skills, yet fail to truly master them.
Because of the ongoing nature of this course, our students develop genuine mastery as well as an instinctive awareness of which NLP technique to use and how to phrase questions or answers for the greatest impact.
This powerful set of techniques can transform your relationships, communication skills, and results in every area of your life from business to personal.
At LifePuzzle we don’t just focus on changing your patterns of thinking and responding to stimuli and circumstances (the ‘neuro’ side of NLP), we also take seriously the words and word patterns you use (the ‘linguistic’ side of NLP) – which is an area that most NLP trainers ignore because they find it too difficult to teach.
Chandell has made quantum linguistics a core part of her NLP trainings because she believes it’s even more important to be able to communicate effectively than it is to be able to change your unwanted behaviours and she believes that her students are fully capable of mastering this important skill.
Let’s face it… when it comes to creating personal change most methods demand two key resources that are either non-renewable or slowly renewable:
The reality is that modern life already places enormous demands on both these resources. That’s why most people give up on personal growth, shrug their shoulders and say, “I’m just not made that way!”
If you think about your own efforts to change your exercise, eating, sleeping, relating, working… etc. habits then you know I’m right. If you’ve ever tried to help another person change their habits you will remember all the reasons they give you why they will not succeed.
The possibilities for using NLP techniques to transform your physical and mental health, happiness, relationships, and career are virtually endless because it doesn’t rely exclusively on your willpower and it is fast and effortless. Because it harnesses the power of your unconscious mind, it has almost magical transformative power to change your results overnight.
For myself, the NLP tools and techniques I learned restored my purpose and motivation and provided almost instant relief from suicidal depression that many months of counselling and care had done nothing to alleviate. Following my discovery I returned to my previous role as a high-performing sales manager and used the techniques in business setting to transform individuals and teams.
Most people who attend NLP trainings conducted by skilled practitioners and trainers of the techniques (especially trainings that include Time Line Therapy®) experience an immediate shift in behaviour. Suddenly, they shed 5, 10, 20 kgs or more; overcome a lifetime habit of procrastination that has derailed their career; break free from addictions; resolve relationship issues; and even start to like themselves.
BUT then… the days, weeks, and months pass and the power rubs off. They let their power tools gather dust in a closet, then one day they look around and their life is just the way it used to be.
Some people come back for a refresher course or go on to the next level of training. Many people shrug their shoulders and say, “I knew it was too good to last, it was just a temporary fix.”
I get it! We’d all like personal growth to be like flicking a light switch: it stays on until you switch it off…
But it’s not… it’s more like cleaning your bathroom, putting fuel in the car, or feeding your family. You have to keep redoing those tasks or you end up in a mess… and you have to keep using your NLP power tools, too.
I’ve noticed something else over my years of training NLP and watching people apply it…
As soon as you get busy and overwhelmed (sometimes the minute you return to ‘normal life’ after your training) it’s hard to (a) Remember what you learned; and (b) Build on the foundations you just set up.
And I found it… at the intersection of knowledge and technology which is where the NLP Mastery Group program lies.
Just imagine what you could achieve if you…
… so that you were constantly remembering the tools you had available, being challenged to use them in new contexts, and seeing measurable progress in every area of your life as you implemented your learning.
The NLP Mastery Group program acknowledges that reality.
It’s set up so that you have twelve months of accountability and learning with a Master Trainer of NLP to experience the difference that can occur when you place yourself in an environment that is built to support your successful growth and empowerment.
What is included in this 12-month (24 session) program:
This program is for you if you…
This Program is NOT for you if you…
Frequently asked questions
The NLP Sales Mastery Academy is a small group training that meets every fortnight online to learn or review NLP techniques, discuss how they can be applied in everyday work situations, and discuss appropriate interventions and opportunities to use NLP to enhance your personal or career development or improve your sales.
The NLP Sales Mastery Academy is designed for people who are new to NLP, but interested in exploring its application in sales, or for those who have completed NLP certification and want to continue to develop their skills and mastery.
The NLP Sales Mastery Academy will help you communicate more effectively and provide greater insight and understanding into other people’s motivations, fears, and unspoken thoughts. These skills and insights will help you lead your team more effectively as well as selling your ideas, plans, and products with less effort and resistance.
Our testimonials
Unlocking Unstoppable Confidence: Master Mental Resilience and Achieve Team Success
Unlocking Success: Why Soft Skills Training is a Must for You & Your Team
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