I have participated in many sales training courses and watched many corporate sales coaches in action through the years and learned from both positive and negative experiences. The process that I developed for all of the Life Puzzle sales training courses is carefully designed to deliver the best possible results in the
real world.
I frequently receive enthusiastic praise and feedback at the end of my keynotes and longer workshops or trainings to the effect that I kept the audience engaged and I’m often asked back again. Obviously, I love hearing that – who doesn’t like having their ego stroked? – BUT… the responses that keep me going are the ones that come later and tell me about the TRANSFORMATION someone experienced when they consistently practiced what they learned and saw the rewards.
Whether you’re enrolled in Ready. Set. Sell! (30-day Sales Accelerator), Confident Closing (Online Sales Workshop), Confident Conversion: 90 days to More Cash, More Clients, More Impact, the Outsourced Sales Manager Program, or a custom In-House Sales Training Course our process is the same… Although the depth and duration will vary.
We treat each of the various components of any sale as a personal skill and our course is built around a carefully designed Sales Skill Mastery Learning Framework:
Step One
Provide context for the specific sales technique or step: many sales training courses omit this important element and are surprised when participants later ignore the technique because ‘it doesn’t feel right’ or it’s ‘uncomfortable’.
Step Two
Teach the technique: in many ways, this is the easiest part for most sales trainers (unless they’re proponents of ‘death by powerpoint’). However, it’s important to maintain the balance between too much detail and too little.
Step Three
Demonstrate what the sales technique looks like when done effectively and congruently. This creates a powerful vision of what and how this looks and provides participants with a vision and a successful model to follow.
Step Four
Walk through with the the technique in detail: this is an area that almost every sales training course fails to cover adequately. We use a unique process that enables you to adopt this technique congruently.
Step Five
Practice the sales technique: all of our sales training courses ensure that participants practice their skills in real-world situations starting with small micro-actions and building success on empowered success.
Step Six
Give feedback: reflection is essential if you want to excel at any skill. In addition to real-time feedback during exercises, we also teach an effective self-reflection process that enables you to give yourself insightful, incisive feedback.
Step Seven
More Practice and feedback: we teach you how to create a practice and feedback loop to keep you moving forward until each new skill becomes embedded in your unconscious competence and linked to previously mastered skills.
Step Eight
Add new layers of challenge and complexity: There is always more to learn so we teach you to repeat steps 1-8 for the next link in your ever-evolving sales skill chain until you have mastered all the skills in your program.
Many students of our NLP training courses online have previously studied with other NLP trainers. This was also common during our in-person NLP training courses where our students might approach us for a refresher course or a higher level training after doing NLP Practitioner Certification with a different NLP training provider.
Experience taught us that it was important for us to be familiar with each of these trainers because many of them follow a different program and their graduates would come to our higher level programs without sufficient understanding of the concepts and application behind the techniques. Sometimes that provided a teaching opportunity for our students who were able to demonstrate and explain the NLP technique as they had learned it, sometimes we required students to retake earlier NLP Practitioner Certifications with us if they wanted to progress to NLP Master Practitioner or beyond.
This is a major reason why we developed the online NLP Sales Mastery Academy program as a way of providing ongoing demonstration, training, and implementation.
Our NLP Skill Mastery Learning Framework follows the process outlined above for our sales programs and this makes our NLP programs stand out from other NLP training courses online for both the depth in which it explores the techniques and the transformation which our students experience.
While we are particularly careful about admitting students from other NLP training courses to our higher level Certification courses, this is done because we want every student to succeed. As you know, catapulting anyone into a role or context for which they are not prepared is discouraging and leads to defeat rather than success – which is not an outcome we want to see.
We have found that delivering our NLP training courses online actually makes it easier for our students to:
Participate in ongoing NLP training which consolidates and extends their knowledge of the NLP techniques they have learned as well as giving them continued opportunities to explore how these techniques can be used in different contexts because they don’t need to travel to a venue.
Increase their comfort with Zoom and other online meeting platforms so that they are able to project their personality and communicate with extreme effectiveness in sales and presentation settings.
While we are particularly careful about admitting students from other NLP training courses to our higher level Certification courses, this is done because we want every student to succeed. As you know, catapulting anyone into a role or context for which they are not prepared is discouraging and leads to defeat rather than success – which is not an outcome we want to see.
Frequently asked questions
Your business’s success and your sales results are very closely linked indeed, so while sales coaching does not cover every area of your business, it makes sense to think of them as an integrated process. Our Business and Sales Coaching programs cover profitable pricing and business structures that ensure that your constant flow of sales keeps your cashflow positive.
A sales consultant will tell you what is wrong with your sales team and sales process and may even tell you what you ought to be doing instead, whereas a sales trainer will focus on how you can see immediate and ongoing improvement in your results by delivering personal training, systems development, and implementation.
Sales coaching tips without behavioural and mindset change only deliver minor improvements. Most failing salespeople don’t lack knowledge, they lack confidence and determination. If you are just looking for sales coaching tips, you are welcome to join my email list and participate in our active NLP Sales Mastery Facebook group – but you will quickly discover that any real acceleration in your sales results demands deeper change.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques focus on helping you ‘read’ your prospects and customers more accurately and communicate with them more effectively. Your NLP coach will help you identify and speak to the buying preferences of your prospect and develop a more flexible approach so that you can sell effectively to a wider range of personalities at higher prices.
Chandell is an expert sales trainer. While more sales will definitely develop any business and is one of the most fundamental roles in business development, Chandell’s expertise focuses on improving sales results. If you are looking for a traditional business development consultant who will work on your fundamental business systems and structures, then Chandell is not the right person to help you.
A great sales trainer is a person who not only knows how to make sales for themselves but is also able to break down the process of selling into segments that other people can understand, learn, and practice themselves. Many people who are proficient at a skill, are very poor at communicating its fundamentals to others. Chandell’s natural empathy, organised mind, NLP skills, extensive experience, and insight into human psychology makes her one of the most effective sales trainers alive today.
There are three key sales that you need to make if you want to get better at closing sales and most sales trainings only focus on one of them. At Life Puzzle our sales trainings help you to confidently make all three sales every time by helping you communicate the physical and mental confidence your prospect needs to make a buying decision.
Yes. All of our sales courses put sales skills in the context of business development because we believe that sales skills are your business growth power-house. If there is no sales engine, your business cannot grow and thrive as it needs to do.
Our testimonials
The Hidden Power of Words: How Communication Shapes Leadership Success
Executive Decisions That Stand Between You and the “Success You Deserve”
Behind Success: Lessons from Influential, High-Performing Leaders
Unlocking Unstoppable Confidence: Master Mental Resilience and Achieve Team Success
AI Sales Coaching Tips to 10x Results: How Top Performers Use AI
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