You: A Winner!

Shot Of The Beautiful Businesswoman Sitting At Her Office Desk, Raising Her Arms In A Celebration Of A Successful Job Promotion.

“If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.”

~ Zig Ziglar

What is a Winner Anyway?

At a recent conference I heard Nat Cooke (Former Australian Olympic Volleyball champion) talk about what it took to succeed. She talked about celebrating her failures as well as her victories… Like the time when she flubbed a shot, gave a goal to the opposing team and yelled out, “Winner!” This startled her opponent so much that she hesitated because she thought that she must have misinterpreted what she had just seen.

Nat’s intention wasn’t to disconcert her opponents, it was to remind herself that she was a winner – simply because failure didn’t stop her from keeping on with her training, shooting, and passing. She was fully engaging in the game as it was, not as it might have been if she hadn’t flubbed.

This is a critical success skill to develop!

What Makes You a Winner?

When I first started working as a Sales Representative and later as a Sales Manager I consistently outperformed my colleagues. From the outside, I looked like a winner, but deep inside I felt like a failure. No matter how much success I experienced I was haunted by what I saw as my failure… There was always more that I could have, should have, done.

It wasn’t that I didn’t learn from my mistakes, the real problem was that I carried my failures with me into those learnings. This drove me into a downward spiral of despair, burnout, and suicidal thoughts, and it wasn’t until I encountered Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy® that I found a way through.

One of the core principles of Time Line Therapy® is to ‘learn the lessons and release the negative emotion’. Only when you do that, can you move forward and become the strong, successful person you were meant to be. Nat’s practice of yelling, “Winner!” Is like that – reinforcing the fact that she may have failed in the moment, but perseverance and a positive attitude enable her to learn from failure and take the lesson forward.

How to See Yourself as a Winner

Successful people learn from their mistakes and move forward past them. In a recent Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certification course we spent the last few days learning the basics of Time Line Therapy®.

As usual, I watched people (through the computer screen) follow this powerful process using active imagination. As they released the negative emotions and took the learnings with them their physiology changed… You could see them redefining themselves as ‘winners’, seeing their painful past from a different perspective, and committing to an empowered future.

That’s an exciting thing to watch… But does it last?

Mostly, it does… At least, it lasts if the participant chooses to make some basic changes that support their new success-oriented decision. It’s always a good sign when someone chooses to engage with our NLP Sales Mastery Group on Facebook and join the email newsletter list because it means that they will be regularly reminded of their choice.

Greasing the Rails of Success

You are a winner!

How do I know this? Well, you could be watching ‘funny cat videos’ or the news instead of reading this post.

You know that success takes work, and you’re willing to face that reality and do the work… Even if sometimes you’d like a shortcut.

Do you have any doubts about that truth?

The only ‘shortcuts’ that are really valuable are those that demand an investment of time, resources, or money so you can achieve your goal faster. Olympic athletes use trainers and coaches to speed up their route to success. It doesn’t mean they don’t do the work, it just means that their work is not wasted.

Are you surrounding yourself with the resources and coaches to accelerate your success? Unlike Olympic gold medalists, in business everyone can win if they put in the work and apply the right tools to an effective strategy.

All Olympic athletes are winners – even if they don’t win a medal. They were willing to bet on themselves, invest in themselves, and train no matter how they felt. In business and in sales, the people who win are those who see themselves as winners… And then do what it takes to perform as a winner.

Do you need some fresh tools, a strategic reset, or even some accountability and encouragement to reinforce your commitment to success and growth? Schedule a call with one of our coaches to find out how we can help you confidently step into your success!

Use this link to schedule an appointment.

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