When people ask me in sales trainings how they can turn their no’s into yes’s, I get a creeped-out feeling because the underlying assumption is often: How can I manipulate everyone into saying ‘yes’ to my sales pitch? And those are the kind of sales techniques that make sales people feel scummy.
The truth is that you want people to say no if your product or service isn’t right for them and you always want people to know that they can say, ‘no’ if the product doesn’t fit their needs or their budget. However, if you’re hearing a lot of no’s from prospects who really are qualified candidates then there are two underlying problems you need to consider.
The Two Main Reasons that People say ‘No’ are…
- Certainty: I’m not confident that your product or service is really the solution I need; and
- Trust: I’m convinced about the solution, but I’m not sure you are the right person to deliver it.
Either of these can be deal breakers… or at the least deal delayers, so it’s important to look at where those objections are coming from.
In the 13-week Profitable Business Accelerator course and with many of my private coaching clients we work on exactly HOW you can increase the levels of both trust and certainty in prospects to make it easier for them to say ‘yes’ with confidence.