Are You REALLY Getting Closer to the Life of Your Dreams?
Time is one of the most powerful creative forces… And one of the most powerful destructive forces. It all depends how you use it.
I could dive deep into the philosophy of growth and decay… But I want to focus on the change you can control so I’ll just say it briefly:
“Every day, you are either moving closer to your dreams or further away. It all depends on the direction in which you are heading. Time can increase the effect of your choice, but you control the direction.”
If you are letting the days slide by without taking deliberate actions – both large and small – to move in the direction you choose then time is not your friend. You know it’s true. You can see it reflected in your:
- Fitness
- Weight
- Education
- Career or Business
- Income
- Wealth
- House (maintenance and cleanliness)…
You get the idea. If you just let any of these areas go, they usually decline.
The same is true when it comes to building the life of your dreams: it won’t happen without discipline and direction.