Design & Work Your Scalable Sales System Workshop

Why Scaling Your Sales is More Important Now than Ever Before and What You Need to Do to Stay Ahead in the Coming Meltdown!

You Already Know The Difference Between Scaling Your Sales and Merely Growing them…
Now – here’s why you need to take urgent action to make that your reality

We’re already starting to see the effects of global uncertainty and recession here in Australia, but if we look to Asia, Europe, the UK, and the USA we can get an even clearer picture of what is about to hit us…

In the coming New Economy

  • wages will be a rising cost factor
  • businesses will be more careful about their expenditures
  • global supply chains will continue to be stretched
  • star sales performers will be a highly valued commodity
  • and that’s assuming there won’t be any further ‘surprises’
Do you have the scalable sales systems to meet these challenges?

The Economy is Changing… FAST!

When I first planned these two workshops on Scaling Your Sales, the signs of a recession and inflation were on the horizon – but they were still distant. My intention was to push your growth ahead faster, help you create a buffer fund, and prepare you for coming uncertainty.

NOW… There’s an element of urgency.

  • Wage inflation IS coming – so you need to make every dollar you spend on your team go further;
  • Overall inflation is already HERE – with rising costs you need to make sure that you are delivering value and building customer relationships so you are the last economy they make;
  • Consumer confidence is PLUMMETING – this is NOT the time to ‘Always Be Closing’! You need to create genuine Win-Win-Win opportunities and make sure your customers feel that

The ‘Design Your Scalable Sales System Workshop’ is the Missing Piece – and I’d be Lying if I Didn’t Make That Clear to You.

You MUST take action now… Or feel the excruciating pain later.

You see, when you design a scalable sales system that is custom-built for your business, you eliminate neediness and you can afford NOT to be a pushy sales person. In fact, if you honestly tell people that you don’t think it’s a good fit the chances are they’ll try to prove that you should change your mind and let them work with you.

A custom-built scalable sales system will let you…

  • Attract ideal clients and customers who are anxious to work with you and confident that you can deliver results;
  • Completely avoid neediness, turn away unsuitable prospects, and still make profitable sales;
  • Get enthusiastic buy-in from every member of your team – even the people who don’t like to ‘sell’;
  • Avoid discounting, cost cutting on delivery and other profit-eating practices;
  • Make more sales with less time and effort than you’ve ever done before – even in a slowing economy; and
  • Thrill your sales team with the opportunity to see greater results and commissions with less effort and zero pushy sales tactics.

During this amazing session we will discuss every element of a scalable sales system so you understand exactly what needs to be included and why, and we will also fill in your unique sales system roadmap.

We will also do hot seats for a few volunteers so you can see the process of customising your sales system in action. My goal is that every single attendee will walk out with everything they need to go back to their sales team, demonstrate the process, implement the road map, and see the results quickly.

Early Bird Pricing
‘Design Your Scalable Sales System Workshop’
Buy Your Ticket for only $495+GST per person

[Normal Price is $595+GST]

This workshop will take place on:
Wednesday August 10th, 9:00am – 11:00am AEST

Your purchase price includes access to the recording of the free workshop on July 13th as well as the recording of this session.

Esm Profile

Design & Work Your Scalable Sales System Workshop presented by

Chandell Labbozzetta
Author | Speaker | Master Trainer of NLP and Sales

After 20+ years of training individuals and teams in sales, Chandell knows that you can have all the techniques, scripts, presentation tools, and practice imaginable… and STILL find sales success elusive. Her effortless selling methodology presents the missing piece.

Discover the difference that makes all the difference… and experience the joy of closing ANY KIND of sale.

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