International Executive Team Having Board Meeting Discussing Project Results.

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

~H.L. Mencken

Businesses Large & Small are Doubling their Investment in Sales Training with NLP Sales Techniques

Businesses getting their team trained in NLP sales techniques is a strategically proactive move designed to ensure that they have the deal flow and cash flow to expand as the economy tightens and new opportunities present. It’s a well-established fact that investment in sales training is one of the biggest drivers of resilience during economic turbulence, which is great news for sales training organisations.

The questions I have for you are:

  • Will you be left behind?
  • Are you getting the sales training you really need?

Many organisations keep offering their sales teams (and these days everyone from receptionists to account executives to implementers are part of your sales team and should be trained) the same tactical sales training over and over again. The reality is that what most people need to heighten their sales skills is sales training that focuses on elevating mindset, communication, and interpersonal skills – the basic scripts and tactics are good starters but the highest performing salespeople are those whose prospects feel that, “My concerns were heard and responded to and I am convinced that this is an excellent decision.”

That makes sales training both easier and harder to design and deliver. It’s simple because your primary goal is to ensure that you focus on taking their mindset, communication, and interpersonal skills to the next level – the principle at the heart of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). 

It’s hard because while you can make dramatic progress almost instantly and accelerate your sales, it takes time and practice to heighten those skills and make them habitual so you can get dramatic results in a 2-3 day (or even hour) training, but it takes consistent reinforcement for most people to make them stick.

Chandell is a Best-selling Author, Master Sales Trainer and a Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Experience has taught her that Sales is the #1 Life Skill and that anyone can master it: without this critical skill, your relationships, opportunities, health, and finances all suffer. Take a look at my NLP sales training courses today. 

The Danger of Echo Chambers in Sales Training

It’s part of human nature to spend most of our time listening to the same people (usually those with whom we agree, sometimes those who make us angry).

BUT… It’s incredibly dangerous to do this in a rapidly changing world!

As the proverb says, “If all you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail.” This is a particularly effective strategy for a carpenter, but it’s a disaster for a business owner or salesperson because it makes them ignore the reality around them and often means they miss the opportunity that is staring them in the face.

We all have our preferred mentors, experts we follow, and strategies we adhere to… And that’s essential. If we didn’t, then we’d go crazy jumping from one strategy to the next and never give anything a chance to work.

At the same time, it is also important for each of us to make sure we protect ourselves against the dangers inherent in our own echo chamber by exposing ourselves to other opinions and perspectives especially when it comes to sales.

Listen to Different Perspectives to Boost Your Sales

I have certain people and communities that I’m part of who have an enormous influence on my decisions, and I believe listening to these different perspectives is a great way to boost sales. One of the reasons why NLP is such a key tool for sales professionals is its emphasis on training people to set aside their assumptions and hear what is really being said.

In addition, I also schedule time every day to explore and listen to these different perspectives of people in all areas of life and thought – people who challenge my point of view because they force me to clarify and learn from them.

I encourage you to do the same and make a habit of listening to people who hold different points of view.

Stepping Out of Your Sales Echo Chamber

No matter how valuable your existing community is, you should also really listen to people on the ‘other side’ (and have an open mind as you do so) because it will help you clarify your views and expose weaknesses in your existing sales processes. You may think that you have everything sorted out, but there are always ways that you can step up your effectiveness.

As a business owner or sales professional, you need to pursue a definite goal and follow a clear path if you want to accomplish anything, but you also need to recognise that there are other possibilities for achieving the same aim – and some of them may enhance what you are already doing.

I always challenge my students to choose one area in which they hold strong views and listen to the opposite point of view presented by a credible adherent on their own terms.

Let’s be topical here and talk about sales training:

  • There are multiple views on how to conduct a sales call and I’m sure you have one.
  • Find a credible expert who holds an opposing view and listen carefully to their argument and supporting facts.
  • You don’t need to change your own sales process, just acknowledge that the other side does, in fact, have a reasonable argument with which you disagree.
  • You can go one step further and identify why you disagree with the perspective.
  • You can be truly courageous and ask what can I learn or apply from this approach.

Today’s society is more polarised than at any time in recent history. We run the risk of becoming the kind of global society that condemned Galileo because he didn’t bend his thinking. You can spearhead the shift by opening your own ears to other perspectives – or you could start a movement by offering your sales team powerful training that transforms their ability to really hear what people have to say.

The Most Effective Sales Technique is…?

The most effective sales technique is that which makes your salespeople better listeners and communicators and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) sales techniques are the way to go. There’s no question that merely being exposed to NLP sales techniques improves communication skills.

BUT… Very few NLP sales training courses reinforce those skills and reteach them until they become habitual patterns – and very few individuals have the discipline and commitment to keep studying and practising them on their own. This is one of the distinctive characteristics of Chandell Labbozzetta’s NLP Sales Mastery Academy and one of the reasons why international companies invite her back year after year to train everyone from executives to receptionists.

Entrepreneurs And Business People Conference In Meeting Room

“Selling is about being face-to-face with a customer, truly hearing what they say (not merely ‘listening’) and responding appropriately. When you’re selling by phone or virtually, you need your skills to be more finely honed, not less – that’s how you can use NLP to boost your sales.”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Sales Training = More Important than Ever

As the world shifts back to face-to-face interactions, you’ve probably realised that some of your communication skills are just a little rusty. If so, you’re part of the honest majority who acknowledge the problem and have decided to do something about it – which is where neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) sales training comes in.

Maybe you’re making an effort to attend in-person networking events and conferences or go to the office a couple of days per week rather than work from home. Perhaps you’re going out to restaurants more or hanging out in a coffee shop… But when you look around you realise that there a lot of people who seem to be struggling to communicate and interact.

I get that.

Conversation is like music, a foreign language, dance, or any other practice-based skill. You use it – or you lose it. The first step is to acknowledge that you have a problem and not just pretend things are ok.

The next step is to recognise that this is an opportunity for you. Rather than merely regaining your previous level of expertise in conversation (as opposed to chit-chat), you could choose to become a deliberately skilled communicator. NLP sales training allows you to present your ideas (as well as your skills and products) persuasively in ways that resonate with your audience whether that is one person, a small group, or an auditorium filled with eager listeners.

At Life Puzzle we have a distinctive focus on actually practicing the techniques with precision, understanding the psychology that makes them effective, and exploring real life applications at an appropriate level. If you’d like to find out more, check out our NLP sales training page today. 

NLP Sales Techniques Help When Subject Knowledge Is Not Enough

Of course, you know what you are talking about. That’s just your entry card, though.

The key to influence is understanding how your audience sees the subject and its relevance to them. Whether you’re having a conversation or making a speech, you need to make the connections for them – and that’s a skill that Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) sales techniques can help you develop.

You see, all successful salespeople know their product and can explain its relevance and benefits to the user, but the ultra-successful ones know how to read their audience and deliver group presentations that appeal to people with a range of communication styles. Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, these same master communicators and salespeople are also great conversationalists in both large and small groups because of their ability to listen to others and shape their responses to appeal to them.

When it Comes to NLP and Sales, Congruency is Key

NLP and sales go hand-in-hand, but some people think it is manipulative.

I have two responses to this:

  1. All communication is manipulative – it springs from the desire to inform others and shape their thinking and actions. That’s true, even if it’s as simple as asking someone to take out the rubbish bins, shut the door, or do their homework. ‘Manipulation’ as a pejorative term is a misuse of human character.
  2. What is your intention? Are you trying to achieve your own goals or to help the other person? Do you speak from a place of genuine conviction and concern, or is your intention purely self-centred?

I really hate the idea of ‘fake it till you make it’ or taking a position because you believe it will give you an advantage even if you don’t really believe it. If you’re in sales and you aren’t getting results, my #1 question is always:

“Tell me about the product you are selling. Do you believe it represents value for your customers?”

NLP teaches us that our words are only around 7% of our communication – that’s true even on the phone. If you are making sales calls and not getting results, you are either talking to the wrong people or you have a problem with congruency… No amount of sales training, NLP, or anything else will help you sell a product that doesn’t serve its purpose – but NLP sales training can help you develop and communicate congruency around the value you deliver and the price you charge.

The Results of Using NLP in Sales

James knew his product statistics inside and out. He could recite the features and highlight the benefits it would deliver to the buyer. He was personable and motivated, but he wasn’t really getting the sales results his manager wanted even when he was speaking to qualified customers.

He attended an NLP training session I presented on “Confident Closing” and was able to identify the underlying problem that was strangling his sales. Then, using the NLP skills he had learned in that short period, his sales results picked up significantly, and his manager was delighted.

James had also enrolled in my NLP Sales Mastery Academy which I designed to give people a chance to both learn and apply their NLP knowledge in a deep way. There are real advantages of immersing yourself in an intensive NLP training course (and I love delivering those and seeing the transformation), but so many people go home from their intensive and forget to use all the resources they gained!

As James learned the NLP communication (and self-mastery) tools and was challenged to apply them in new ways, he went from a successful salesperson to a master salesperson and superb communicator in just twelve months, and his career blossomed.

If you want to be like James and become an NLP Sales Master, contact us today. 

Business Man Pointing The Text: Focus On Results

“When the economy is booming, almost any product is easy to sell; when the economy tightens you need to double down on your sales system to turn leads into sales.”
~ Chandell Labbozzetta

The Reason Your Sales System Isn't Working Is NOT the Economy

Over the past few months, there has been a dramatic shift in the perception of prospects I’ve been talking to – especially when you compare them with my clients’ perception of the market. A few months ago, many business owners and sales managers were confident in their ability to make ‘enough sales to meet income targets and quotas’. Now they’re struggling because their prospects are nervous about the future and their communication skills and sales systems aren’t robust enough to cope.

One of my clients made the following comment,

“When the GFC was looming in 2008 (it hit Australia later and less dramatically than other parts of the world) we saw exactly the same thing – making sales of your product or service went from being like offering candy to a toddler, to being more like offering meat to a vegan. It took a genuine ability to understand where the prospect stood and what they cared about, to communicate that understanding, and to offer your product in ways that made it easy for them to say ‘Yes’. Suddenly, sales skills and systems shifted from ‘nice to have’ to ‘critical for survival. The same thing is starting to happen now and it’s slowly spreading from one industry to another. It’s time to brush up on your sales systems and skills… Or pay the price.

We went on to discuss the fact that it’s not the economy per se that is the problem, it’s how you present your offer in the new climate.

If you keep on doing what you’ve always done in your sales process you will no longer get what you’ve always got… You’ll keep getting fewer sales and less revenue.

The Sales System You Need in a Boom Will No Longer Serve You!

Sally (name changed to protect her privacy) has been in one of my NLP Sales Mastery groups for several years. She’s one of the sales managers at a mid-sized company and she’s chosen to invest in her communication skills so she can also pass them onto her team. Until just a couple of months ago, there was very little difference in the performance of her team and others, but as the economy started to tighten, she discovered that she was closing significantly more sales than her team, and that her team was performing better than all the others. Her colleagues were coming to her and asking what she was doing and whether she could help them develop the same skills and systems.

That’s great for me, because I was contracted to train and develop all the sales teams at her company, but it also demonstrates how the economy is changing and the importance of being prepared for a downturn.

A Successful Sales System is No Longer About Slick Sales Skills… If It Ever Was!

The key reason that my sales trainings are so popular is that they are effective. I really can turn the sales-allergic into sales-enthusiastic because I focus on communication skills. Most people who have an ‘icky feeling’ about sales have that feeling because they think of sales as one person pushing the other into an agreement they don’t really need. I teach people to walk away from sales where your product won’t benefit the prospective buyer and won’t deliver far more value than the money they are paying. You’d think that would lead to fewer sales and appointments, but it actually leads to more sales.

Effective salesmanship was never about shoving a contract in front of someone and forcing them to sign, it was always about discovering what problem the prospect wants to solve and determining whether your solution fits their needs and budget. When the economy is good and interest rates are low, businesses spend freely so you don’t really need to develop rapport and communicate with sincerity, but when interest rates rise those things make all the difference. It doesn’t matter how good your sales scripts are, or how well designed your follow up is if your salespeople can’t establish a genuine connection.

By the same token, it doesn’t matter how good their communication skills are if your salespeople aren’t supported by robust sales systems that enhance their results. I’m a big believer in continued professional development that focuses on expanding personal skills, not merely providing ‘hacks and techniques’ and communication is one of those areas of personal growth that many sales teams don’t focus on… or not until they absolutely must!

The Truth About Sales Systems

“A sales system is only as good as the people who use it… But without good systems, skilled people can underperform.”

That truth is just as applicable to sales as it is to exercise, nutrition, health interventions, and education.

If you don’t have a system for taking care of your health, you’ll quickly lose track of essential medications, dietary needs, exercise, and other important factors. If there’s no system for education (ie curriculum), kids won’t learn to read, write, count, and think.

At the same time, if you don’t have skilled doctors and inspiring teachers, the ‘system’ will only take you so far.

Your sales system is just as essential as those other things, yet too many companies are asking their sales team to fly by the seat of their pants and at best have just a few parts of a system in place. Many of them are then surprised to find that even their star salespeople struggle with morale and performance when the economy tightens.

A sales system is vital if you want to keep your revenues growing and your sales team motivated.

Are You Giving Your Sales Team the Support and Systems they Need?

Many sales systems focus on techniques that are outdated or offer a structured approach that is transient and non-transferable. I’ve attended some sales training where you can’t even use the material you learned in a different department of the same organisation. My sales training focuses on human performance skills and the systemic elements that drive that performance. When I train inside an organisation, obviously we develop systems that are specific to that organisation or department and focus on the specific value-building and context of the product, but I also teach the principles that can be applied in any sales team.

I also periodically teach a sales system design workshop that walks participants through the elements of a sales system and shows how to build one and the crucial principles and skills that your sales team need to develop.

If you’d like to learn more then why not register for our next sales system workshop?

Australian Dollars And Wooden Calendar With Cubes Eofy

“In a rapidly changing economy, it is essential to have a robust sales strategy and leak-proof sales systems so that you build trust with prospects and clients and never resort to pushy sales tactics.”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

Sales System Secrets that Position You for Success

Most businesses have pitifully weak sales systems.

That’s OK in a thriving economy – which is what we’ve experienced for the past 10 years or so, despite the stresses of the pandemic. When governments print money, business booms even while the underlying structures are rusting out, but eventually the time comes when you need to pay for everything you’ve borrowed. That time is here. Now.

Therefore… NOW is the time to pay attention to your sales system and ask: is it built to withstand an economic tsunami?

The truth is that you can build a sales system that is fragile or one that is robust. A fragile sales system will see your sales numbers slipping along with your market positioning, and your sales reps turning to desperate measures like discounting and manipulation. A robust sales system may see a slight decline in actual sales revenue, but it will see your reputation rising to new heights of leadership and authority, and your sales reps selling with integrity and confidence.

5 Keys to Your End of Financial Year Sales System Review

There are 5 Key Areas of Your Sales System that you should review as part of your EOFY procedures to evaluate the robustness (or anti-fragility) of your sales system:

  1. Team Morale and Confidence: this is not about whether your sales team is actually closing sales as much as it is about their confidence in the quality and value of your product or service.
  2. Client Needs Evaluation: in a changing environment are your product development people listening to what the sales people are telling them and acting on the information. Do you have mechanisms in place to process this information effectively?
  3. Offer and Pricing Review: based on the information provided by the clients, is your offer as finely tuned as possible and is your price reflective of the value you deliver – and yes, even in a shaky market, raising prices is an effective way of making more
  4. Sales Tools and Training: check that your sales tools are fit for purpose and your sales team are receiving the support and training they need to use them effectively. Ineffective sales tools and inadequate communication skills are a big reason why sales teams turn to pushy techniques and feel unsupported.
  5. Key Metric Tracking: ensure that you are only tracking the 3 key metrics that are leading indicators of your sales success so that your sales team focus on needle-moving activities and can see their upcoming sales success.

EOFY is the most important time to review your sales systems and ensure that they are set up to deliver more sales with less effort and a higher quality of clients. This goal is always important, but it’s especially important when the economy is stressed and inflation and economic slow down are the predominant forecast.

Sales Systems and Processes for a Slowing Economy

As money tightens, team morale and confidence are important keys to your profitability, but nothing boosts morale and confidence more than having robust sales systems and processes to fall back on. This is because even if the flow of leads slows down, these sales systems enable your team to avoid the kind of strident pushy sales techniques that are commonly associated with the confidence crush of the Eighties.

I’ve always said that when your sales system is designed to foster scale rather than growth, not only can you grow your business dramatically in good times (without overworking your staff), but you are also set up to prosper in tough economic times as well because your system has built-in rewards for the team by measuring the key elements of a sale that they can control and it also has checks and balances built-in so that your team can operate at maximum effectiveness.

Confident Conversion 90 days to More Clients, More Cash, and More Impact

In this 90-day program we cover essential strategies to design and build a robust and scalable sales system to prepare your sales team for success in a challenging economy by addressing mindset and communication tools, as well as a powerful sales strategy that delivers results.

Learn more about Confident Conversion: 90 days to More Cash, More Clients, More Impact HERE.

“When I thought about building and training my team and all the hoops and processes I would have to follow I was overwhelmed. It wasn’t until I met someone who turned that nebulous list of ‘this is what you need’ into a structured system for doing it that my hiring and training became easy.”

`~ Chandell Labbozzetta

From Nebulous Goal to Clear Process

Several years ago my business was struggling. I was great at my sales metrics, but didn’t have a system for making my financials visible and between my book keeper, my admin staff, and my accountant, it was just too hard to track everything.

It wasn’t until I stepped into a program where I was guided to set up my bank accounts and buckets strategically, accountable for my reporting, and given/introduced to the tools for visualising everything in a systematic way that my results really changed.

It was a powerful lesson that changed the way that I implemented my own sales training programs.

Applying the Model to Sales Training

I took my learnings from that experience and applied it to the way I help clients build and implement their sales systems. Using the model of the financial accountability program to walk people through the process, I also added one key element: I included the training of an additional person (2IC or sales manager) into the program. You see, a business owner or founder needs to be on top of everything to do with sales, but they don’t necessarily want to do it all themselves forever… Or have to train their replacement.

  • So my sales training program included:
  • Theory of what, why, and how
  • Clear steps and processes for every step of the sales system
  • Tools for execution and measurement
  • Language tools and personalised guidance on developing your system AND…
  • Inclusion of a key team member in the program = Game Changer!

That last element means that while the owner knows everything that is going on, they aren’t responsible for execution or training (unless they want to be).

What About Training Your Team?

I loved this concept so much that it’s the kind of program I look for when it comes to refining and expanding every aspect of my business. So, when I thought about tools for recruiting and training my team, I knew I wanted something similar – a program that would waIk me through all the steps, help me build the systems, and allow someone else to attend alongside me – the person who would be responsible for implementing this. I knew that I needed to be aware of the whole process and able to support my team, but I really didn’t want to do it myself… And what I found was that such a program really doesn’t exist – so if you find one, let me know.

Sometimes Theory is NOT Enough!

The reason that group programs with synchronous trainings are so powerful is that they give you accountability and a forum for asking specific questions. A good trainer will answer individual questions fully, but also provide insights that help everyone else in the group apply the same information in their own context.

The ‘pressure’ of showing up live is also good for accountability, but really that level of motivation is only a tiny fraction of the story. A group program also gives space for every business to have more than one head in the room, which means you multiply the impact you bring back into your business without overloading your founder/CEO.

Think about it next time you sign up for any business development program and look for ones that actively encourage a second person to attend alongside as part of the package.

“When Marla stopped thinking that other people needed to change to fit in with her preferences and accepted that she was the only person whose transformation she could control, opportunities sprang out of nowhere and came rushing to her.”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

You Are Getting the Results You Deserve!

Last week I was talking with a friend whose partner (let’s call him Adam) owns a transport business.

You probably know that there are some major issues within the logistics and transport business at the moment, especially in Australia where interstate border closures have made transporting goods a little complex.

Anyway, apparently Adam’s business is doing really, really well and he hasn’t been plagued by any of the driver strikes or difficulties that other companies are facing. When he talks to colleagues in the industry, they’re all complaining about their situation, and when he says he hasn’t experience any of it they ask, “So, what are you doing?”

It sounds as though they really, truly want to know the answer.

Until he tells them what he’s doing… And the disbelief and objections start to flow.

Adam isn’t hiding his secret, nor is he lying about his results. It’s just that his colleagues and competitors aren’t willing to do what he is doing.

They’d rather live with the results of their decision.

The reality is that they are getting the results they deserve.

I’m Really NOT Being Mean… Just Honest

Craig is a friend who runs a very successful manufacturing business. He’s the kind of person who wants others to succeed, and who believes that the economic pie is infinite, so he even coaches and advises his competitors.

Last year, one of his competitors called and asked Craig if he would buy his business because he was sick of struggling. They went for a drink at the pub and Craig asked some more questions about what was going on… when he heard the story he asked the guy if he really wanted to sell, or whether he would prefer to turn things around himself.

“Tell me more…” said the guy. So Craig sketched out a comprehensive plan to turn things around in 90 days, just by calling suppliers and existing clients, contacting the ATO, and some other really basic steps that were within his control.

“Is that what you’d do?” he asked Craig.

When Craig said, “Yes, that is what I’d do, and it’s what I’ll help you do if you want me to,” he replied, “It’s all yours, mate.”

Ninety days later, the failing deadweight was already profitable, and it has since become immensely profitable as it’s own entity.

Craig is one of those people who are willing to do what other business owners are not. I bet you know both these types of people – all of them getting what they deserve.

It Happens in Sales, Too.

The difference between a star sales representative and one who is just surviving (or ready to quit) has very little to do with talent or opportunity.

Time and time again, I’ve worked with people who complained about the area they’d been given, or the product they’d been assigned to, and blamed external factors for their results. There are two common transformations that happen:

They follow my input-focused, action-oriented sales strategy and start making sales;
Their area or product is assigned to another sales representative who turns their ‘sales desert’ into a ‘sales oasis’.

Maybe you’re selling a dud product or service that nobody wants and you don’t believe people should buy – if that’s your situation then you should quit because you won’t be happy selling things in which you don’t believe.

If that’s not your situation, then I am 100% confident that the real problem you’re facing stares back at you out of the mirror each day.

The GOOD thing about that is that… YOU have 100% CONTROL over that problem… IF you want to solve it.

Once again… You’re getting what you deserve.

Are You Willing to do what Other People are not willing to do to get Extraordinary Results?

Maybe you need to…

  • Change your sales strategy;
  • Master new sales and communication skills;
  • Find new sales networks;
  • Solve your sales problems in different ways;
  • Work hard now, to create more choices in a few months;
  • Change your sales team;
  • Use different sales materials and approaches;

Many people are stuck in their problems because they aren’t willing to step out of their comfort zone in pursuit of different results.

What would change if you accepted that you are getting the results you deserve right now and that if you want different results, you need to change your thoughts and behaviours?

“Neediness kills sales faster than anything else. Find out why you feel needy and deal with it!”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

The Confidence Killer...

I was looking through some old presentation files the other day and came across a slide with the title, “The Confidence Killer” and an image of a vampire just about to bite a young man while he was in the middle of a sales presentation…

The notes on the slide reminded me that it was the story of Jake, a sales man I mentored during my corporate career. Everyone on the team had to make 100 appointment setting calls every second day, with the idea being that we’d get 10 appointments for the following day and Jake was constantly missing the target.

He’d start each day with his list of people to call and ease gently into the day, taking the time to get psyched up for each call. By early afternoon, he’d be burning through that list at speed hoping to get the appointments he needed for the following day. On average, he’d get about 5 appointments from his calls in the morning, and 0 in the afternoon.

On appointment day, he would make about 2 sales in the morning, 0 in the afternoon.

When you looked at his metrics, you’d see that his mornings delivered OK results, his afternoons delivered nothing.

Jake knew it. His manager knew it… And his job was on the line.

I’m not even sure why Jake wanted to stay in his role, but he did, and he came to me for help.

Never be Needy!

I listened to a few of his call recordings and it was fairly clear what was going on.

In the morning, he was relaxed (probably too relaxed) and friendly. By 1pm he’d realise that he was less than halfway through his 100 calls for the day and he’d be rushing to meet that quota and he’d also be desperate to book appointments for the next day.

The stress and neediness showed in his voice, in his abrupt responses, and in his inability to listen and really hear what prospects were saying.

During appointments, something similar would happen. I went along with him and it was clear that the prospect could sense his urgency and discomfort and wondered why he was being pushed into a sale.

It was a vicious cycle… The closer Jake got to a deadline, the more stressed and nervous he became, and the less likely it was that he would actually reach his goal. Neediness was killing his sales AND his career.

So… How Do I Stop Feeling Needy?

Jake had asked me for help, so I was able to ask him some questions and find out why he wanted to keep putting himself through this torture instead of looking for a job in something else. I quickly realised that he had powerful reasons for wanting to succeed, so we created an image that would remind him of his deep intrinsic motivation and put it beside his desk.

I taught him to look at that image, breathe deeply, and really focus on how a successful sale felt, then we worked on his call strategy.

The essence of what Jake discovered was that if he focused on his intrinsic motivation rather than his need to:

1. Make 100 calls;

2. Set 10 Appointments;

Then he was more relaxed and able to listen. He said it was as though his neediness just evaporated and he was focused on the person at the other end of the phone. As a result, he got through his calls in a timely fashion, and he started to book 15 or 20 calls each day.

When we applied a similar tactic to his appointments, his closing rate went through the roof and he become one of the most productive sales people in the company.

The Hydra of Neediness

Remember the hydra?

It was a horrendous monster and every time you cut off one head two more grew in its place.

Neediness is like that… You might feel pressured by:

  • Performance goals
  • Action goals
  • Income goals
  • Bonus goals
  • Time goals
  • Etc.

Whatever combination of these you face, as the time behind you gets longer and the time you have to complete the goal gets shorter your sense of neediness grows… And undermines the chance that you will achieve your outcome.

Neediness threatens your likelihood of achieving any goal, but it’s particularly dangerous when it comes to sales.

Do you have a strategy for leaving neediness behind you, even when you desperately need to achieve your income goal or results target?

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.”

~ Paulo Coelho

THEN… Your Energy and Confidence Will Drive Your Actions

As yet another challenging year draws to a close, it’s essential that we keep our focus on what we want so we don’t dissipate our energies in fighting things we can’t control.

I’m noticing that many Australian business owners are feeling discouraged by the constantly changing business landscape and are deliberately lowering their sights and settling for ‘second best’. This dissipates the energy and confidence they feel and project around their actions and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In the same way that ‘confused prospects don’t buy’, it’s equally true that  ‘uncertain business conditions don’t encourage the planning, investment, and action’ that lead to tangible results.

It Starts with Focus

Paulo Coelho, the great 21st Century philosopher talks about the danger of getting so absorbed in fighting our enemies that we forget to make progress toward our own goal.

One of the things that I’m seeing is that people are afraid to focus on exactly what they want… Too many people are focusing on the enemy they don’t want (whether that is business challenges, health struggles, separation from family and friends etc).

Yes, sometimes you do need to stop and slay the enemy that’s standing in front of you…

BUT most of the time, your best course is to keep forging ahead towards your highest goals, without deflection.

Are You Settling for Second Best?

Every day – week – month – year… is a new opportunity to muster your energy and confidence and start afresh.

As I publish this we’ve just started the final quarter of 2021, but it really doesn’t matter when you’re reading it: the Call to Action is just as clear:
What are YOU going to focus on today?
Will you focus on the things that are standing in your way, OR your…

  • Goals & Dreams
  • Plans & Actions
  • Energy & Strategy

Only the latter will help you achieve, believe, and succeed so you make progress toward your target?

The Truth About Confidence…

I learned many years ago that often the only difference between a “Yes” and a “Maybe”  when it comes to sales is the threefold confidence of the sales person.

When I talk to a business, sales team, or individual who struggles to make sales, it’s often a question of confidence. In fact, if your team is not exceeding their sales goals and projections, changing the sales tools is rarely the solution: while changing the energy and confidence of the sales person transforms their results.

Do You Lack Confidence in Your Ability to Sell Consistently?

If so, you’re not alone.
Even when people are convinced of the value their product or service delivers, they often fail to project confidence in themselves. In fact, this leads to a downward spiral of results that you can see in quarterly or monthly sales figures: lack of confidence leads to fewer sales and fewer sales lower your confidence even further.

There is a Solution to Your Sales Dilemma…

It’s called practice and success.

The solution isn’t complicated, but it does take some discipline and commitment which is why I created Ready Set Sell, my 30-day sales maximiser.

It’s designed for people who don’t consider themselves natural sales people, or for people in a ‘sales slump’ who recognise the need for a helping hand to boost their confidence so that they can boost their results.

I launched this course a couple of months ago and the customer feedback I’ve returned has reinforced my thoughts about the reasons why people don’t get the results they want.

I strongly believe that this course can prove to anyone who is willing to do the work that they are:

Far better at selling themselves and their services/products than they thought possible;
Elevating your ability to sell and influence others makes life infinitely more fun; and
Able to generate far more income than they thought possible.

Sadly, I’ve noticed that there are 2 types of participant:

Those who not only invest in Ready Set Sell, and invest the time, effort, and energy to generate results from it;
Those who purchase Ready Set Sell and hope that mere possession will magically transform their results even if they don’t follow the process – this also includes those who ‘know’ all about sales, but don’t ‘do’ anything systematically to turn their knowledge into results.

There is a Solution to Your Sales Dilemma…

It’s called practice and success.

The solution isn’t complicated, but it does take some discipline and commitment which is why I created Ready Set Sell, my 30-day sales maximiser.

It’s designed for people who don’t consider themselves natural sales people, or for people in a ‘sales slump’ who recognise the need for a helping hand to boost their confidence so that they can boost their results.

I launched this course a couple of months ago and the customer feedback I’ve returned has reinforced my thoughts about the reasons why people don’t get the results they want.

I strongly believe that this course can prove to anyone who is willing to do the work that they are:

  • Far better at selling themselves and their services/products than they thought possible;
  • Elevating your ability to sell and influence others makes life infinitely more fun; and
  • Able to generate far more income than they thought possible.

Sadly, I’ve noticed that there are 2 types of participant:

  1. Those who not only invest in Ready Set Sell, and invest the time, effort, and energy to generate results from it;
  2. Those who purchase Ready Set Sell and hope that mere possession will magically transform their results even if they don’t follow the process – this also includes those who ‘know’ all about sales, but don’t ‘do’ anything systematically to turn their knowledge into results.

You Are Far More Successful at Sales than You Will Ever Know…

Unless you choose not to succeed and decide to just think about the future you’d like to experience.

The power of confidence is that one level of success in sales leads to more success following the snowball effect. That’s why Ready Set Sell doesn’t just lead to your best month every, but leads to steady growth in what you define as best.

When you use my technique for focusing on what you want…

AND back that focus with decisive action…

AND reflect on what is working and the progress you have made…


You become unstoppable!

Would You Like to Discover the Secret of Skyrocketing Sales?

Learn more about Ready Set Sell, my 30-day intensive course designed to help you focus on the sales you want and adopting the behaviours and mindset of a super-sales star at to improve your sales success.

“No-one can read your mind! Half the time you don’t even know what you are thinking, so how do you expect anyone else to do so!”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take

I was talking to Vera, one of my closest friends, the other day and she was complaining about how people who were younger and less experienced were getting promoted ahead of her. She has always put it down to the fact that they were men and getting favoured treatment, but this time it was another woman!

(And yes… That “!” at the end of the paragraph is deliberate)

“She knows she’s not qualified, but she applied anyway and got the role. Just like the men do!”

“Did you apply?” I asked – knowing the answer was no.”

“Of course not!” She snapped. “I didn’t have 5 of the criteria they put in the job description – and all these people who are getting promoted over me have even fewer than I do.”

As the heading says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Your manager can’t read your mind and is probably too busy to go around thinking about trying to persuade you to apply for new roles anyway. Your prospects are just as busy. If you don’t ask for the sale, you’ll probably miss out… Unless you are important enough for people to seek you out.

How Was I Supposed to Know You Wanted That

Some years ago, Anna came out of a meeting with her boss absolutely fuming.

I asked what had happened, expecting to find out that she had been reprimanded, fired, or had her leave request rejected.

It turned out that she was mad because she was thirsty and her boss hadn’t offered her a drink of water, instead he had turned off the fan.

“Huh,”  I said. “That seems odd. Did you ask for a drink?”

“Oh no! But I told him it was draughty.

“You told him it was draughty and you expected him to get you a drink?”  I asked… Just to clarify that I hadn’t misheard.

“Yes. And he just ignored that and went on with the conversation.”

Look… People can be really tone deaf. They can miss things we communicate explicitly, but when you say it’s draughty, not many people realise you want a glass of water, so it’s your job to communicate what you want clearly and concisely.

Why I Say that "Sales is the #1 Life Skill"

Both of my friends in the stories above felt they’d received a raw deal. The reality was, neither of them had taken the time or action to prepare a sales pitch or say what they wanted.

Instead of considering how to present her abilities and pitch her readiness for a new position, Vera convinced herself that she wasn’t qualified and never applied for promotion, then she got mad about others who were prepared to put themselves forward.

Instead of telling her boss she was thirsty, Anna got mad because he couldn’t read between the lines and see that she was thirsty, not cold.


Instead of telling people about the transformation your product and service can make in their life or business for them then asking if they’d like to learn more…

There’s a strong likelihood that you are expecting the other person to take the initiative and getting upset when they don’t respond as you’d like them to.

Conversations, Sales, and Open Doors

Most people aren’t very observant… Or, if they are observant, they’re paranoid about being offensive so they don’t share their observations.

I like to think that’s the reason that networking events and business dinners can be so stressful and boring. It’s not that the people there aren’t interesting, it’s just that they are afraid of offending someone or prying. Zoom meetings, social media, and lockdowns haven’t helped at all! In fact, they’ve made it much worse.

What do you do when someone says something interesting?

Do you ask a follow-on question, or do you just continue with your planned script?

Most people are too busy to see or hear the open door, so they just plough onto the next question… And so they lose the chance to listen, learn, and create a relationship… Which may (or may not) lead to a future sales or other opportunity.

The archetypal pushy salesman of the 70s and 80s with a briefcase full of brochures and the goal of selling whatever they have available ‘no matter what’ learned scripts and stuck to them. They deserved the rejection and avoidance they received – BUT the truth is that those people were never the highest performers.

The most effective and highest-performing sales people have always been the ones who listened, asked appropriate questions to draw out their prospect, and then offered a tailor-made solution that met their needs. Once they had done that, they asked for the sale fully aware that their prospect wanted and needed the solution that was being offered.

Because… If you don’t ask for what you want, you probably won’t get it.

Do You Need to Learn to Ask for the Sale?

I work with a lot of people who tell me up-front, “I’m just not good at selling.” Many of them assume that sales people are born not made, when the truth is no-one is born a sales person. It’s a skill we learn (or choose not to learn).

I’m passionate about teaching people to sell because I believe that confidence in your ability to sell makes life much easier and more pleasant… And we all want our lives to be easier and more pleasant!

I’ve developed a 30-day course called Ready Set Sell that enables even the most reluctant sales person to prove to themselves that they can sell and that closing sales is fun. It’s great for sales-averse individuals who realise that they need to learn to sell because it’s non-threatening, can be applied in any industry or setting, and can even be practiced on your friends and colleagues.

If you’d like to learn more about discovering the hidden sales power within you go to I hope to see you inside.

“The thing that makes the biggest difference for most professionals and business owners isn’t learning more skills, it’s learning how to highlight the value of the skills they already have.”

~ Chandell Labbozzetta

What Skill Would You Choose to Focus on?

I was talking to one of my clients the other day about hiring new staff. He’s the CEO of mid-size company that has doubled its profits over the past 18 months and I’ve been training his sales team for about 21 months. He made the half-joking comment,

“You know, Chandell, I really ought to pay for you to coach the top candidates for every position we advertise so they can master their sales pitch. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that we’re losing some highly qualified candidates who have no idea at all how to sell themselves. That’s bad for them because they’re losing opportunities, and it’s bad for us because we’re losing quality candidates.”

His comment was born out of his awareness that he was no longer just relying on his sales team to sell their services and products. Every member of the team and gone through sales training and could present themselves and the product persuasively. That was the real secret behind their phenomenally successful results.

It works like this, when everyone from your partners and senior staff down to your receptionist and newest hires understands what your core business is about, they understand how to help customers and what needs to happen in order to not merely make a sale, but also improve the product.

What Does That Have to Do With giving Sales Training to Prospective Candidates?

If you’ve ever been responsible for interviewing candidates, you probably know what my client is talking about…

You’ve read the coverletter and CV or Resume… But did they write it themselves?

You’ve seen their work history and qualifications.

You’ve picked (or your recruiting company) has picked the best candidates to interview…

Now, it’s really all down to interview skills. And sometimes, those interviews don’t even take into account the kind of role a person is applying for.

This particular CEO talked about the candidates that had been sent for a technical position. Yes, they need to work with their team and think about the problem in a specific way, but at the core, they are being tasked with a lone-wolf technical job where attention to detail and ability are the essential skills.

“I’d love to put those people in a room with you for 2 hours, Chandell and teach them how to sell me on why their skills and personality is perfect for the job… and I’d like my interviewers and candidate selectors to look at those criteria too.” he told me. “Instead I had to task to see all the applications and pick the ones I wanted to talk to. I found someone, but I believe there is a better way.”

It’s Really Up to You!

My client had a point… From his organisation’s standpoint it would help if the candidates were trained to sell themselves… And how they responded to those sales trainings would tell him more about what he needed to know about them…


It isn’t really the firm doing the hiring that is responsible for providing you with skills that will help you achieve your goals, is it?

It comes down to you.

Do you care enough about your future to learn the skills that will help you shine? You’ve invested in your education and training on a professional level, are you prepared to master the ONE skill that will help you move forward along the path to your goal?

In 2020, I was working with a Sales Team that was struggling to adjust to remote work and virtual sales meetings. One of the members, (let’s call him Sam) probably the most talented sales person on the team, was very angry about the changes. He sat through our trainings (mostly silent) and kept right on doing what he had always done. Month after month, his sales trickled in and he presented his results with an “it’s not my fault” attitude. You might have accepted his excuses if it wasn’t for Sally, another member of the team. Sally had her position on probation because the company really needs a sales person and she demonstrated her willingness to learn while openly acknowledging that she struggled to think of herself as a sales person.

Week by week, she took notes, practiced the skills I taught, and made calls. Week by week her results improved and in 3 months her results beat out all the others. After that, everyone but Sam got on board and worked their butts off, not just listening, but applying and refining their pitch and discovering ways of finding qualified prospects.

Sales isn’t just the Province of a Few.

Everyone can learn and change… If they choose to do so. Human’s are uniquely wired to adapt, so why wouldn’t you invest in learning one of the most powerful and useful skills on the planet?

You don’t even need to take a course. You can teach yourself to sell in an authentic and positive way… Your own skills and personality or anything else you want to. Don’t kid yourself that ‘nice people don’t sell’. I was talking to a doctor the other day and he said to me, “You know, if we learned sales skills at medical school, we’d be much better at helping our patients decide what was the best course of action to follow… And our patients would probably be healthier, happier, and more compliant. There’s a book called “Change or Die” that talks about how many strokes and heart attacks could be avoided if doctors understood the art of sales and took their responsibility to sell more seriously.”

What About YOU?

How are your sales skills?

Have you ever considered how much more effective (and profitable) every aspect of your business might be if you developed your own and your team’s ability to sell…

  • Yourself?
  • Your ideas?
  • Your solution?

I’ve noticed that many people today are looking around for a saviour – the government is an obvious candidate – but no Government can do everything for everyone. My solution is to find ways to help people help themselves… And learning to sell is something anyone can and should learn to do.

Sales, and the incorporated skill of communication, are life skills that rarely get taught effectively at school, so it’s probably up to you to learn it for yourself.


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