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Home | EOFY: Is Your Sales System In Trouble?
“In a rapidly changing economy, it is essential to have a robust sales strategy and leak-proof sales systems so that you build trust with prospects and clients and never resort to pushy sales tactics.”
~ Chandell Labbozzetta
Most businesses have pitifully weak sales systems.
That’s OK in a thriving economy – which is what we’ve experienced for the past 10 years or so, despite the stresses of the pandemic. When governments print money, business booms even while the underlying structures are rusting out, but eventually the time comes when you need to pay for everything you’ve borrowed. That time is here. Now.
Therefore… NOW is the time to pay attention to your sales system and ask: is it built to withstand an economic tsunami?
The truth is that you can build a sales system that is fragile or one that is robust. A fragile sales system will see your sales numbers slipping along with your market positioning, and your sales reps turning to desperate measures like discounting and manipulation. A robust sales system may see a slight decline in actual sales revenue, but it will see your reputation rising to new heights of leadership and authority, and your sales reps selling with integrity and confidence.
There are 5 Key Areas of Your Sales System that you should review as part of your EOFY procedures to evaluate the robustness (or anti-fragility) of your sales system:
EOFY is the most important time to review your sales systems and ensure that they are set up to deliver more sales with less effort and a higher quality of clients. This goal is always important, but it’s especially important when the economy is stressed and inflation and economic slow down are the predominant forecast.
As money tightens, team morale and confidence are important keys to your profitability, but nothing boosts morale and confidence more than having robust sales systems and processes to fall back on. This is because even if the flow of leads slows down, these sales systems enable your team to avoid the kind of strident pushy sales techniques that are commonly associated with the confidence crush of the Eighties.
I’ve always said that when your sales system is designed to foster scale rather than growth, not only can you grow your business dramatically in good times (without overworking your staff), but you are also set up to prosper in tough economic times as well because your system has built-in rewards for the team by measuring the key elements of a sale that they can control and it also has checks and balances built-in so that your team can operate at maximum effectiveness.
In this 90-day program we cover essential strategies to design and build a robust and scalable sales system to prepare your sales team for success in a challenging economy by addressing mindset and communication tools, as well as a powerful sales strategy that delivers results.
Learn more about Confident Conversion: 90 days to More Cash, More Clients, More Impact HERE.
Some people think that sales people are born not made. As #1 Sales Rep in several companies and Manager of Award-Winning teams, I can tell you every Master Sales person earned those trophies through strategic work. I can also tell you, that the most successful among them did it without sacrificing their health, relationships, or love of life.
Since 2005, I’ve been working as a sales trainer and coach for both individuals and groups, working with people like you to refine their communication skills, overcome limiting beliefs about sales and success, project your natural charisma, and draw out their innate gifts so they can see the immense value they bring and step forward with confidence.
Chandell is a Best-selling Author, Master Sales Trainer and a Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Experience has taught her that Sales is the #1 Life Skill and that anyone can master it: without this critical skill, your relationships, opportunities, health, and finances all suffer.
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