GET Your FREE Confident Closing Audio Book

Confident Closing Audiobook

Confident Closing

Are you in sales?

Most people need to sell their ideas, skills, and personality as well as products and services… but the whole idea makes them uncomfortable and they ‘forget’ to close the deal.

Discover how to confidently close qualified prospects with integrity and elegance and multiply your sales.

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Act Now to Claim Your Free Audio Copy of Chandell Labbozzetta’s
bestselling book “Confident Closing”

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It’s shocking, but true… Most of the people you talk to about ‘sales’ feel embarrassed about actually closing a sale… even when they know the person they’re talking to needs their help. This is just plain WRONG when you think about it! It’s as evil as seeing an elderly person struggling to carry their groceries to the car and knocking them over as you rush past. But this idea of sales as sleazy and pushy is drummed into us… which makes just learning another sales technique counter productive, doesn’t it? What you REALLY need to discover is how to change the way YOU feel about sales and THEN you’ll be able to use what you already know. As you listen to “Confident Closing” (read by Chandell herself) you’ll discover:

This book reveals powerful, proven strategies that will not only help you close more sales, negotiate better salary and benefit terms, and see greater adoption of your ideas… they will also help you build stronger relationships with your friends, partner, and children. Don’t miss this opportunity – get your FREE Audio download now and start listening to it on your computer or phone today.

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Who is Chandell Labbozzetta?

Chandell is Australia’s first Master Trainer of NLP and author of the bestselling book Confident Closing: Sales secrets that grew a business by 400% in six months and how they can work for you! in which she shares how she created a team of sales superstars out of average performers.

Today, Chandell works with motivated individuals, business owners, and sales teams to create almost unbelievably high close rates while maintaining your integrity and delivering on. your promises. Chandell has an incredible gift for turning ANY person into a sales star!

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