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Home | 6 Surprising Benefits of NLP Sales Training that Our Clients Have Experienced
“What differentiates effective sellers from wannabes today is their ability to listen to others, think laterally, and bring fresh ideas and angles to the problems their prospects are facing.”
~ Chandell Labbozzetta
When you think of the concept of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) sales training, its very title tells you that it’s about the relationship between our brain and our language. It’s actually a twentieth century formalisation of the communication and persuasion tools that leaders and change-makers have used and documented for millennia – tools that were embedded into the education systems of Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome. That systemisation makes the concepts easier to grasp and implement.
Given this background, it is not surprising that NLP is one of the favoured tools of sales trainers all over the world – and that influencers and salespeople use its techniques even when they don’t name them as such but, here are some surprising benefits of NLP training our clients have experienced…
Professor Dumbledore told Harry that “magic leaves clues” – and so does confidence.
The clues to confidence include a measurable improvement in success in whatever venture you’re engaged in – especially in sales results. This confidence that NLP sales training generates acts like a rolling stone: the more genuine confidence you project, the more sales you close.
How do you respond to –
Some people quit.
Some people just go through the motions.
Some people are driven to learn from their experience and to work harder and smarter until they succeed.
The difference is your level of resilience that enables you to keep getting back up, applying the lessons you have learned, and refusing to give up because you are committed to the outcome you are aiming for. NLP sales training can help improve your resilience which in turn will make you a more efficient salesperson.
I will never forget the first time I was introduced to Quantum Linguistics – one of the most powerful tools for both problem-solving and creativity.
I watched my trainer draw out truly unique and powerful solutions to problems that participants had been wrestling with for months, just by asking the right questions appropriately… And I determined to master that skill myself.
I was surprised and disappointed to learn that most NLP trainers don’t use this technique because “it’s too hard to teach” – I’ve never had that problem with my students or clients. The enhanced creativity that NLP sales training can provide is truly priceless.
Given that NLP is mostly about communication, observation, and listening, it should come as no surprise that NLP sales training nurtures relationships, but it really does surprise people when they discover after a few training sessions that both their work and personal relationships are growing deeper.
In the same way that confused buyers don’t buy, confused (or confusing) communicators don’t have many close relationships.
We improve our results and our relationships largely by working on ourselves.
BUT… In order to change ourselves we first need to acknowledge and define the problem we are trying to solve. The beauty of NLP sales training is that it provides us with tools to do this in a non-threatening way and then enables us to identify current strategies and replace them with more positive ones.
This should come as no surprise after the previous 5 benefits I’ve outlined but I want to spend a few minutes here anyway. Like ‘success’ and ‘happiness’, everyone has their own definition of what prosperity means to them, so everyone’s life can look quite different and they can all call themselves ‘prosperous’.
I happen to think that it’s important to feel that you are prosperous – even if you are regularly shifting the goalposts on your definition of success as you reach one level… and the next… and the next.
Just think about it… If you are
… Then how can you NOT be prosperous? And NLP sales training helps create prosperity in all of these areas.
Some people think that sales people are born not made. As #1 Sales Rep in several companies and Manager of Award-Winning teams, I can tell you every Master Sales person earned those trophies through strategic work. I can also tell you, that the most successful among them did it without sacrificing their health, relationships, or love of life.
Since 2005, I’ve been working as a sales trainer and coach for both individuals and groups, working with people like you to refine their communication skills, overcome limiting beliefs about sales and success, project your natural charisma, and draw out their innate gifts so they can see the immense value they bring and step forward with confidence.
Chandell is a Best-selling Author, Master Sales Trainer and a Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Experience has taught her that Sales is the #1 Life Skill and that anyone can master it: without this critical skill, your relationships, opportunities, health, and finances all suffer.
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